Thursday, December 14, 2006

TE & me, sittin' in a tree...

So I have to decide. Tech Exec has told me - in the most non-demanding, honorable way possible - that he broke up with all his other girls for me. I.e., he meant what he said last week. He didn't ask how many other guys I was seeing. He didn't say "So what are you going to do for me?" He said it the way I imagine Sir Lancelot told Queen Guinevere that he loved her deeply, madly & truly, with no expectation of anything. But after hearing how serious he is about me, I feel I really have to make a choice. He is much too good for me to fuck around with his emotions. I'm terribly afraid to take him seriously, despite all the evidence that he is a good risk & his consistency since day 1. Help! I just can't stop wondering what he's doing when I'm not there. He calls me every day (besides the last few super-busy days) so I know whom he's with & exactly what's going on, yet I still wonder if he's lying & if I can trust him to truly love me. It's a bit hypocritical, since I'm still going out with other people, but I was hurt so badly with the ex & Handsome Young Guy that it's like a burn victim walking past an oven - I will keep those limbs well away from any possible flame, thank you very much. It almost doesn't matter that he can't keep his hands off me & does everything in his power to make me happy. I really wish I could just trust him. I nearly can, except for that nagging voice inside that says, "You'll be sorry when he fucks your friends & you realize you should have listened to me." Tell me I'm wrong, someone?

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