Sunday, December 17, 2006

too many drunken nights

I've had a lot of fun in the past couple days but I have really got to stop going out so much. Will fill in the details later - wanted to post my new dilemma, which is that I met another guy I really like last night. He's a tall, sexy Asian runway model with an MBA who's also a financial consultant. (I know, it's so weird, I usually don't like Asian boys.) I still don't know what to think about TE. We haven't seen each other since Thursday so no chance to talk. I think that rationally speaking, I can trust him to be a good, faithful boyfriend, so the problem is whether I'm ready to be vulnerable again. Also, is he the best guy for me now? He's the most serious about me but my new boyfriend should be my choice & not just whomever wants me to be his girlfriend the most. I feel that I must not be ready if I'm still meeting other guys I like - if TE was the one for me right now, I wouldn't have a wandering eye, would I? My half-baked solution at this point is to not fool around with anyone else & try to figure out how I feel. Your advice is very welcome.


Unknown said...

it sounds to me like you like some guys but are not head over heels for anyone. if that's the case, why try to shoehorn yourself into a relationship? I mean, do you want a boyfriend because it's "en vogue" to have a boyfriend? That's the worst reason in the world to, because you'll end up cheating on him eventually. Get into a relationship because it's the guy you want to have a relationship with. And it's ok to tell a guy "I like you, but I don't know if I want to be in a 'monogamous' relationship now." I'd respect that more than being lied to, obviously.

Just my 2 cents...

Renaissance Diva said...

Thanks hon - I think I could be head over heels for TE but I'm worried about getting hurt again. Good thing I'm going on vacation & will have lots of time to think about all this.